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A Brief Summary of
the Movements of
the 30th Regiment of Indiana Infantry

30th Indiana Military

30th Indiana Civilian

The 30th Indiana, Co. F…. Today

In November 1992 the 30th Indiana, Co. F was formed. The 30th would be a re-enacting unit from Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The 30th Indiana would represent a family oriented organization dedicated to historically accurate Civil War era portrayals of living history, battle re-enactments, camp life, military drills, parades, and other related educational and public activities.

The impression that the 30th Indiana strives to give is that of the AVERAGE Western soldier of 1863. The guideline we try to use is the generality rather than the exception. Some of our members try to give a first person (taking on the persona of an actual person) portrayal, be it a relative or some member of the original 30th Indiana. The majority, however, choose to convey simply the manner and lifestyle of the citizen soldier in the Federal Army.

Over the years, the 30th Indiana has gained a reputation as a well drilled and disciplined unit, believing that practice makes perfect, past and present Command staff has emphasized mastering these soldiering skills. A few years ago, it was discovered that the 30th was instructed using Casey’s 1863 drill manual. With recent re-printing of this book, today’s 30th Indiana is learning this same manual. Constant practice has proven itself as the skill of the men continues to improve.

The 30th Indiana has instituted a program to reduce the “zebra company” effect by electing officers that may have to step down in rank at certain events. Currently, we have one Officer, two Sergeants, and two Corporals that lead the men into the field.

The 30th Indiana is a member unit of the Cumberland Guard. This non-political union of Indiana re-enacting group lends strength, support and unity. Lead by David Shackelford the Cumberland Guard is an effective group on and off the field.

As was normal for soldiers in the Western Army, the 30th Indiana wears black slouch or field hats, four button sack coats, sky blue trousers, and Federal issue brogans. The men are armed with a 50/50 mix of 1858 .58 caliber Enfield and .577 caliber 1861 Springfield rifle muskets. Also standard amongst the men are dog tent style shelters and double bag knapsacks.

Our company participates in many different activities including education programs, living history events, battle re-enactments, and continues to keep our drilling sharp with winter drill sessions. Take a look at our schedule to see where we’ll be next and we look forward to meeting you in the field.